Together we care

Dow Voorzieningsfonds

At some time, you may be faced with unexpected costs due to a necessary medical event or the relevant social problems.

In some cases, these costs may not be insurable or can be reimbursed within the existing system. As a Dow social fund, we like to offer financial assistance in such cases.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Via this website we want to provide you with al the neccesary information about the Dow Voorzieningsfonds.​​​​​​​

On this site you will read how to become a member of the Dow Voorzieningsfonds, if you can make a claim on the fund and what conditions there are. By using the pre-scan you can see if the claim fits within the fund and how to claim it.  

Read the regulations of the fund

This is how you submit an application

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Do the PRE-SCAN and see if your application applies to the social fund


Will the application be eligible? Then download the APPLICATION FORM and fill it in completely


Make sure to include original bills, payment receipts and claim summary Health Insurance / notification and judgment Municipality / WMO Department.


Send the application form by post to the secretariat within 5 months of the end of the calendar year in question

Do the pre-scan

Are you a member of the Dow Voorzieningsfonds and are you faced with high costs due to a necessary medical event or any related social issues? By completing the pre-scan, you will soon find out whether your application for financial assistance can be processed.

If the reason for your application is not listed, please contact us so we can assess your personal situation.


Joining as a member?

It is possible to register with one of the Dow branches in the Netherlands up to one year after commencement of employment. The contribution is €1 per month, which means that you, the employee, including your partner and/or children up to the age of 30 living with you, are entitled to the social fund. Are you retiring or becoming incapacitated for work? In that case, too, you will retain the same rights to the fund. All conditions are stated in the regulations.​​​​​​​

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit a claim for glasses or contact lenses?

Glasses and contact lenses are not accepted by the fund, so it is not possible to submit a claim for these.

Can I submit a claim below €100?

An application below €100 will not be taken into account and remains for your own cost. If the application is above €100 and fits the regulations of the fund you can submit an application form. The board will judge whether your application will be processed. 

Can I submit a claim for costs incurred last year?

Applications for costs incurred during the previous calendar year must be submitted to the Dow Voorzieningenfonds within 5 months following the respective calendar year. This means that applications can be sent in until the end of May of the following year.